Rear Delt Cable Fly: 7 Crazy Steps for Powerful Shoulders in 2024!

I. The Power Behind the Rear Delt Cable Fly

In the world of fitness, it’s not all about the bicep curls and bench presses. Here, we’re going to put the spotlight on an underrated, yet powerful powerhouse of an exercise, known as the rear delt cable fly. This exercise promises to carve your shoulders into the shape of chiseled boulders. It might sound like an aliens’ invention, but trust me, it’s the Arnold’s secret ticket to shoulder day.

A. Understanding the Muscle Groups Targeted

The rear delt cable fly, as the name aptly suggests, zeroes in on the rear deltoids. These are small, yet influential muscles located at the back of your shoulders. Notwithstanding their size, they maintain the structural balance of your shoulders and contribute to drawing powerful, circular motions.

Don’t mistake the rear delt cable fly for a solo player. It’s more like a symphony orchestra leader, bringing in a harmony of other muscle groups too, such as your arms, upper back, and your abs, turning your workout into a whole-body classical masterpiece.

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Aspect Description
Exercise Rear Delt Cable Fly
Main Muscles Worked Posterior deltoids (rear delt), Trapezius, Rhomboids, Erector Spinae
Secondary Muscles Worked Core muscles for body stabilization
Technique Concentric loaded weight from cables
Importance of the Core Keeps the backbone straight, prevents overcompensation, stabilizes the body
Variation Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly
Distinction from Dumbbell Flies Rear delt cable fly provides a greater challenge due to more time under tension and differences in the centre of gravity
Date References from March 6, 2020 and March 27, 2023
Benefits Greater challenge to the rear delts, works more muscles than just the posterior deltoids, trapezius strengthening exercise, works upper back muscles, activates core muscles

B. Exploring Its Advantage Over Other Delt Exercises

Forget about the same old shoulder exercises. The rear delt cable fly is like a secret, magic potion in the world of deltometrics. It offers advantages like maintaining consistent tension on your rear delts throughout the range of motion, enhancing muscle activation, which our usual pec deck or rear delt raises miss out on. Check out Pec deck and rear Delt Flys tools that closely interact with the rear delt cable flys.

II. Not a One-Step Miracle: Unpacking the Cable Rear Delt Fly

There’s some leg work to the rear delt cable fly, folks. But hey, the best things in life demand some work, don’t they? Let’s unpack this shrewd exercise and turn you from a novice into a seasoned pro. Get set to fly!

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A. The Initial Setup: Step 1 and 2

First, you’ll need to set up your cables right. Adjust your cables to the highest position and select your desired weight. Stand in the middle, feet shoulder-width apart, and grasp each handle, crossing your hands before you. It’s like being a part of the cast of Bridgerton, reminding me of the release date For Bridgerton season 3, where everything must be prim and proper.

B. The Execution: Step 3 and 4

Now, with your chest forward, and abs engaged, you gotta fly. Extend your arms straight out to your sides, maintain a slight bend in your elbows, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then, reverse the fly, carefully controlling the tension. You’ll feel the burn, but remember, pain is temporary, glory is forever.

C. The Importance of Form: Step 5

Form is of the essence. The right form prevents injuries and maximizes muscle gains. Keep your spine neutral and your core engaged. Remember, the movement should come from your shoulders, not your elbows. Your palms should face down, as if you’re trying to reach for chips on the top shelf.

D. Advanced Techniques: Step 6 and 7

Advanced techniques add a whole new level to the rear delt cable fly game. Examples are running the rack, where you progressively decrease the weights until you can’t continue or drop sets, where you rapidly move from high to low weights to intensify muscle activation. Sounds crazy, but that’s how we do it in the delt business.

III. Comparing Cable Rear Delt Fly and Dumbbell Flyes

Welcome to the battle of the titans: cable rear delt fly vs. dumbbell flyes. Who’s gonna take the throne?

A. Distinguishing the Centre of Gravity

Here’s the clincher: cable rear delt flyes have one up on the dumbbell counterparts because the tension remains steady throughout the movement. Take it from rear Delt Raises that center of gravity is the linchpin to growth.

B. Judging the Time under Tension

With cable flyes, your muscle is under tension for a longer period. Why? ‘Cause the cable provides resistance even when you return to the start. So, more “time under tension,” more muscle growth. Pretty smart, huh?

C. Deciding Which Exercise Suits Your Needs

Choosing between these two exercises boils down to your personal goals. If you’re after consistent tension and want to challenge your rear delts, cable flyes are the way to go. If you’re more into old-school weightlifting, then dumbbell flyes got you covered. It’s like choosing between two great pizza toppings. They’re both delicious!

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IV. Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly: A Subtype for Concentric Emphasis

And then, there was a sub-type: the standing cable rear delt fly. This puts the spotlight on your rear deltoids muscle, featuring a crunch time with the concentric loaded weight.

A. Defined Muscle Focus: The Rear Deltoid Muscle

The standing rear delt fly targets the rear deltoids, like an arrow hitting its bullseye. This specific movement will make your shoulders pop out even more. It’s no wonder the rear delt was admired even in ancient sculptures.

B. Engaging the Core: A Safety Reminder

But wait, it’s not only your delts doing the job here. Keep your core rigid, simmer down, no arching your back. Don’t overcompensate with excessive weights. Overdoing will only lead you to the land of injuries. So, remain kind to thy body.

C. The Standing Position: A Different Take on the Cable Fly

The standing position changes the dynamics of the game. It gets more muscles like glutes and hams on board, making the workout more holistic. It’s like upgrading to a bigger, better smartphone having more features.

V. Beyond the Delts: The Multifaceted Nature of the Reverse Cable Fly

But the symphony orchestra doesn’t stop at the delts. The reverse cable fly is so versatile; it’s like one of your favorite versatile actors fitting into any role effortlessly.

A. Activating the Trapezius

The trapezius, your upper back muscle, gets a significant slice of the pie. Making your back more meatier and comprehensive. This is an intelligent multitasking exercise, just like our shrewd financial strategies.

B. Strengthening the Upper Back: The Domino Effect

The domino effect comes into play as more muscles, like the rhomboids and the erector spinae, join the party. It’s as if everyone has got an invite to the big bang wedding in the fitness world.

C. How Your Core Comes into Play

And of course, your core muscles participate too, acting as the anchor, stabilizing your body. It’s like the gear that keeps the Swiss watch running smoothly.

VI. Omega Thoughts on the Rear Delt Cable Fly

You came, you saw, you flew, my friend. But let’s end our journey with some omega thoughts for the road.

A. Putting it All Together: The Whole-Body Benefits

Oh, what a ride it’s been! You’ve not only been sculpting beautiful shoulders but also cultivating a comprehensive workout, a synergy of strength, endurance, and muscle building, usually overlooked in other workouts.

B. Your Journey to Powerful Shoulders

Now, it’s your turn, grasshopper. Take these lessons with you, believe in yourself, and get ready to fly. Remember, fitness isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. So, gear up, get a grip, and let the rear delt cable fly guide your ticket to powerful-shouldered glory.

What is the difference between cable rear delt fly and rear delt fly?

Well folks, the difference between a cable rear delt fly and a regular rear delt fly lies in the equipment used. A cable rear delt fly uses a cable machine to provide constant tension on muscles, while the regular rear delt fly usually involves dumbbells and relies on gravity for resistance. So, same exercise, just different props!

What does cable rear delt fly work?

A cable rear delt fly works like a charm on your posterior deltoids or, in simple terms, the back of your shoulders. On top of that, it targets the trapezius and rhomboid muscles too, adding a neat pinch of spice to your upper body workouts.

What angle should rear delt flies be?

For rear delt flies, shoot for the angle that’s somewhere around 30 to 45 degrees, folks. Going too low or too high won’t hit your rear delts quite the same way, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?

What muscles does deltoid fly cable work?

Oh, the mighty deltoid fly cable! It’s a powerhouse of an exercise, targeting your deltoids, particularly the rear ones. But it also gets your rhomboids and traps. In other words, it doesn’t just stop at the shoulders, folks!

Are rear delts worth it?

Rear delts worth it? Heck, yes! Working your rear delts not only beefs up your shoulder strength and definition, but also helps improve posture. Plus, it kinda gives you that chiseled, superhero physique.

How effective are rear delt flys?

Effective rear delt flys? You bet your boots they are! By isolating and targeting your rear delts, these flys help improve your shoulder strength, aiding in better posture, reducing risk of shoulder injury, and not to forget, sculpting a mighty good-looking back!

Is the rear delt fly good for rear delts?

Oh, good gracious, yes! The rear delt fly is the bee’s knees if you want to work your rear delts. It zeroes right in on that muscle, providing major gains in strength and definition.

Which grip is better for rear delt flies?

Preference, folks! If you want to target mainly your rear delts and minimize bicep involvement, then a palms-facing-each-other grip is a good fit. But if you want to engage more muscle groups, a overhand grip will do the trick.

Is the reverse cable fly a shoulder or back move?

The reverse cable fly, my friends, is a dual-purpose move. It primarily targets your rear delts—a shoulder muscle, but also works your upper back muscles as a sweet little bonus. Double bang for your buck!

How do you target rear delts with cables?

Targeting rear delts with cables is a piece of cake once you know how. Position yourself in the middle of a cable machine and grab handles with opposite hands, cross ‘em over, and pull them apart until your arms are straight out to your sides. Done and dusted!

How to do rear delts correctly?

The mantra to doing rear delts correctly is “Slow and steady wins the race.” Keep your back straight, your grip secure, and your body still. And always, always use weights that you can control, no need to go gung-ho and hurt yourself.

What is the difference between a chest fly and a rear delt fly?

Chest fly, rear delt fly- same story, different chapter! While both are fly exercises aiming to sculpt your upper body, the chest fly focuses on, you guessed it, the chest, while the rear delt fly targets the back of your shoulders.

Do cable flys target shoulders?

Yes siree! Cable flys indeed target the shoulders, specifically the deltoids. In the process, they also give your chest and arms some well-deserved attention.

Do cable rows hit rear delts?

While cable rows primarily target your middle back, they also give love to your rear delts. So, while they may not be the star of the show, they’re definitely part of the ensemble.

Do cable flys build muscle?

You want muscle? Cable flys will give you muscle alright! They help develop strength and size, particularly in the deltoids and chest.

Are cable flys and dumbbell flys the same?

Cable flys and dumbbell flys sound like twins, but they’re more like cousins. They share some DNA – working the same muscle groups – but the main difference lies in the resistance source. One comes from cables, the other from gravity via dumbbells.

Are cable flys better than dumbbell flyes?

Are cable flys better than dumbbell flyes? Both have their pros, my friend. Cable flys offer constant tension throughout the movement, while dumbbell flyes offer greater range of motion. It’s about finding what floats your boat and fits your fitness goals.

What is the correct form for the rear delt fly machine?

Now, to master the correct form for the rear delt fly machine, your body covering the pad, keep your back straight, arms at 90 degrees, pull the handles out to your sides, and lead with your elbows, not your hands. And, always remember, folks: quality over quantity!

What is the difference between delts and rear delts?

Here’s the 411 on delts and rear delts: they’re both areas of the three-part deltoid muscle in your shoulders. The difference? Location, location, location. The delts cover the whole shoulder area, while the rear delts specifically target the back part of your shoulders. Clear as mud?

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